SEO definition, Pros and cons

3 min readOct 9, 2021


What is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to a collection of steps taken to increase a website’s ranking in search engines.

The goal of SEO promotion is to have the site being promoted as high up in the search results as possible for the relevant search queries. The set of such search queries is also known as the site’s semantic core or semantics.

What is SEO?

Why you need SEO?

  1. There is no need to pay for referrals:

Indeed, because search engines do not charge for organic clicks, you do not have to pay for users who arrive via search. In contrast to contextual advertising, where each click on your ad costs you money. But not everything is so straightforward. You must still invest money in a site’s search engine optimization, either by hiring an agency or a full-time staff. Recognizing that traffic from organic search is several times less expensive than traffic from contextual advertising. Furthermore, when optimizing a site, work is done to optimize the overall project — the structure, landing pages, and content marketing are all concluded.

2. There is heavy traffic:

Users are looking for a product or service and enter queries into the search engine to find it. It is critical that they search for it in real-time. As a result, organic traffic is one of the most high-quality and low-cost avenues for attracting traffic.

3. Requests can be chosen at will:

You choose the list of queries that you want to promote in the search. At the same time, you may process demand at each level of the customer acquisition funnel — establishing brand understanding, attaining hot demand, making a purchase decision, and dealing with an existing customer base. On the other hand, you can concentrate on advertising the most marginal products or questions in your field that create the most clients. These requests can be seen in the Yandex webmaster.

4. The site’s technical state will be improved:

A site must meet specific search engine standards in order to rank well. While working on search engine optimization, you may ensure that the site loads quickly on any device and that the amount of mistakes that interfere with transactions is reduced. Let’s discuss about the aspects of SEO website promotion a bit later.

5. The site’s usability will be improved:

When ranking, search engines are evolving and increasingly taking the ease of use of the site into account. Simply put, users should be able to easily filter, select, and order any product or service. This is appreciated by search engines.

Search engine optimization


  1. The outcome does not appear right away:

Search engines require time to index a site after it has been optimized. Search queries grow to rank higher and higher over time, eventually reaching the top ten spots. This time interval is usually variable, ranging from 2 to 6 months on average.

2. Costs associated with website development:

The development of a change plan and the implementation of these modifications are the two key components of website enhancement. An SEO contractor’s job is to create a plan; your website development team’s job is to put it into action. Both necessitate resources, both in terms of time and money. On the other hand, you get an improvement of the complete site in addition to traffic or targeted rankings in the TOP-10. This has a positive influence on conversion — it grows and helps you to obtain more traffic from any source.

3. Search relevance is limited:

The number of requests in your topic may be fairly low — this is possible to evaluate using Yandex’s Wordstat tool. Investing in full-fledged search engine promotion may not be acceptable in this scenario. It is far more appropriate to organize and maintain the site.

